Fall 2012 Courses

LA301L Aqueduct Futures: Interpretive Landscapes (Lehrman & Delgado)

This studio will map and analyze the Los Angeles Aqueduct and its associated landscape, identifying sites to design interpretive landscapes that celebrates the Aqueduct’s legacy in developing Southern California, while also addresses the social and environmental impacts caused by transferring water from Owens Valley to Los Angeles.

LA401L Aqueduct Futures: Eco-technical Systems (Lehrman)

Will explore the future of the Los Angeles Aqueduct and how it shaped the development of California.  Projects will develop speculative forms of water conveyance, water purification, water harvesting, watershed/habitat restoration, and energy production along the 230-mile long Los Angeles Aqueduct right of way that also provide for habitat and cultural uses.

LA499 Los Angeles Aqueduct Seminar (McKenzie)

This seminar will explore the colorful history, current infrastructure/political reality, and future public policy challenges of supplying water to Los Angeles from the Owens Valley.  Featuring selected readings, guest lecturers, group discussion, and a multimedia class project, and an optional multi-day field trip (October 14th-17th). The course is open to upper-level students from any major.

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